Project Proposals
The Center for Curiosity supports individuals and organizations engaged in experimentation, innovation, and leadership to promote the science and practice of curiosity and its academic and public advancement.
Presently CfC sponsored research projects are underway at the University of Pennsylvania and IIT Gandhinagar. The Center has endowed postdoctoral positions at UPenn’s School of Social Policy & Practice to promote research and encourage broader work around curiosity. It is also supporting research fellowships at IITGN’s Cognitive Science Center on cognitive and cultural aspects of curiosity.
The Center supports experimental, research, pedagogical, public awareness projects of all sizes in any area of curiosity.
At the present time, the Center is especially interested in the following areas:
Research projects, especially interdisciplinary ones, on various aspects of curiosity in all disciplines.
Developing curricular and extracurricular tools to promote curiosity among students and adults.
Development of online apps to measure and/or promote curiosity.
Public advocacy and popular initiatives on curiosity.
Development of white papers on curiosity and its relationship to different disciplines, such as creativity, management, education, neuroscience, behavioral science, psychology, etc.
The Center is open to all novel and innovative projects that advance and promote curiosity.
To apply for CfC support:
Please submit one-page letter of inquiry summarizing your project and your background.
We will review your request and if we are interested we will contact you, usually within two weeks, to invite you to submit a full proposal.
The timeframe for the proposal review varies depending on the scale and scope of the proposal. Our program staff will contact you for any additional information and notify you of the final determination.
Should the Center for Curiosity choose to fund your proposal, it may do so in the form of a contract, grant, fellowship, partnership, etc.
Please send your inquiry to: